The Swiss Army Knife of Manufacturing
June 22, 2020
When you’re looking for a sheet metal manufacturer, we know that you can probably spit and hit a place that’s willing to take your money.
Plus, all of their websites will tell you the same things: a basic explanation of the sheet metal fabrication process (just in case you, an experienced engineer, doesn’t already know that sheet metal fabrication involves cutting and bending from a roll of stock metal), lots of talk about the thickness of the steel and, of course, bullet points listing the benefits of using sheet metal.
When you’re looking for a manufacturing partner, you don’t want to know all of this information.
You want to know one thing and one thing only: “why should I choose this manufacturer over another?”
So, if we’ve found our way onto your shortlist, that’s what we’re here to answer.
Unfortunately, Guinness World Records don’t measure these things, but we’re fairly certain if they did, we’d have a nice plaque on our wall that says: Fastest Sheet Metal Shop in North America.
From estimates to execution, we’ve built our entire site for speed. In fact, we can go from receiving the design to delivering prototypes to your door in as little as 24 hours.
We even maintain a dedicated in-house prototype cell, stock all common materials and gauges, and employ offline press brake forming so that we can make sure your needs are met in your time frame.
In other words, if you need sheet metal fabricated on the double, give us a call.
There’s nothing like a good non-disclosure agreement to stop you showing off in a blog post, but our lawyers have said that we’re allowed to say that we’ve fabricated sheet metal parts for some of the most exciting start-ups in North America, from ones in the aerospace sector to ones in healthcare to ones in the automotive industry.
We think you can probably guess who they are, but we’re not allowed to say. We certainly don’t want [redacted]’s lawyers knocking on our door.
You’d think that “delivering the parts when you say that you’ll deliver them” would be par for the course for manufacturing partners, right?
That being reliable and dependable would be a constant across the industry?
Alas, not.
Every day, we speak to customers who have gone with low price manufacturers who have consistently missed deadlines or delivered shoddy parts.
That isn’t us.
If we say that we’re going to deliver your sheet metal part by a certain date, you better believe that we’re going to do everything we can to make sure it’s in your hands on that date.
This is something that has nothing to do with processes, materials or equipment, but it does make a huge difference to your end result.
Quite simply, we give a shit about keeping you in the loop, about making sure you’re 100% happy with the parts, about your end results, and about your deadlines.
We’re not another online manufacturer that’s going to take your design, churn it out and send it back with little-to-no human input or quality control.
We’re going to be involved every step of the way. We’re going to check your designs, quality control them (and re-run production if they’re not up to snuff) and help you work out the kinks in the road to production.
It’s almost inevitable that you’re going to hit a snag during prototyping. We’re here to lend our advice and experience to stop that snag from sending you back to the drawing board, so you can beat your competition to market.
Too many shops get by with out-of-date equipment and a “that’s what we’ve always used” attitude. (Or a “they’ll get the job done, why spend more on better tech?” attitude.)
Not us.
We’ve just invested over $1 million this year alone in new sheet metal equipment so that our shop is at the cutting edge of the manufacturing industry. No other shop has the tech we have available to you.
We’ve got press brakes with 8ft bed length for fabricating thicker parts quicker.
We’ve got a fibre laser that’s four times faster than its closest competitor, so we can now fabricate cold rolled steel in just 45 seconds, while most shops average at the 3-minute mark.
And we’ve automated all of our equipment so we can fabricate sheet metal 24/7, getting your parts to you even quicker.
Like we said earlier, Guinness World Records doesn’t measure sheet metal fabrication, but if they did…
When you order with Prismier, it’s not going to be a fully automated affair. It’s not going to go from design to delivery without ever being seen by another human.
In fact, we check your design as soon as it arrives and make sure it’s ready for manufacturing. If there are tweaks or changes we can see that’ll make it more efficient, cheaper or better optimised for production, then we’ll get in touch and talk them through with you.
And, best of all, we keep prototype and production all under one roof, so the whole thing is seamless and designed to help you get the best possible products to market first.
This is all part of our proven design for manufacturing (DFM) process, a process that makes sure that our engineers help you design and manufacture parts that can be manufactured at scale as cost-effectively as possible.
In other words, this isn’t our first rodeo. We want to use the experience and expertise we’ve picked up over the last decade and a half of doing this at scale to help you save time, money, and headaches as you transition from prototype to production.
All the things we’ve mentioned so far — speed, flexibility, knowledge — what do they all add up to?
Beating your competition to market.
Everything we do here at Prismier is geared towards one thing: helping you get from prototype to production in the shortest time possible AND with the best possible product.
By helping you improve your designs, make them more cost-effective and get them ready for a production run, we like to think we’re more than just another sheet metal shop. We’re a sheet metal partner.
In other words, we’re here with you for the long haul. We’re invested in your products. And we give a damn.
And if you’re looking for a sheet metal manufacturer that’s going to step up and be the partner you need to get to market as quick as you can (and with the best product you can), then make sure you submit your design files through our rapid quote system today!
We’d love to play a small part in your journey.