The Swiss Army Knife of Manufacturing
June 22, 2020
At Prismier, every member of our team believes that the manufacturing process should be fast and simple for our customers. Without exception, we deliver on this mission by methodically applying speed, knowledge, quality, and flexibility to every project, for every customer. In short, we are intent on raising the bar—and that’s why market leaders across industries trust Prismier to take their parts from prototype to production.
In a rush? Had enough of jumping through hoops? We get it. When it comes to manufacturing, you don’t want surprises — especially when your project is riding on custom parts that must meet the highest quality standards.
We’ll help you add value without adding risk. Our in-house engineers provide insight into cutting edge—and tested—techniques. And our rapid turnaround on sheet metal and plastic prototypes allows you to quickly determine if a design will fly.
We see technology as a tool to bring out the best in our expert staff. Our order management system has been optimized to allow quick processing of simple parts while also providing the flexibility to adapt to complex circumstances where additional expert intervention is needed. You set the expectations, we meet them. Every time.
In today’s 24/7 business climate, you don’t have time for long lead times. Located in the Chicago, Illinois area, we are a global manufacturing company that offers comprehensive solutions to make your life easier. Our entire company is aligned to support your need for speed and efficiency. Design to your timeframe and not someone else’s entrenched process. Ready to get started?