The Swiss Army Knife of Manufacturing
June 22, 2020
The roots of a company are deep at the company core, hidden below the surface. They’re the part that supports its growth, nourishes its culture and generates its energy. Too often flashy flowers and tempting fruits prevent you from realizing what enables their growth in the first place.
This series is about giving you a window into our roots, the part rarely seen yet incredibly important. It’s about how the 4 simple concepts of “Own It”, “Be Nice”, “Appreciate Ya” and “Grow On” have formed our core and continued to drive our upward growth since the initial seed was planted. They’ve allowed us to blossom with our customers while preserving our solid core and thriving culture.
We want to see our customers grow because that in turn provides us with more opportunities which are the nutrients we need to stimulate our own growth. So every time Prismier has expanded, whether it be our customer service staff, machines, operators or network, those expansions are made with our customers in mind. Likewise, the personal growth of each and every Prismierian nourishes the growth of the company and improves our ability to provide a more comprehensive level of service to our customers. This is why instead of focussing exclusively on metrics, we try to promote an environment of growth that promotes exploration and resourcefulness.
“We never stand still; we are never satisfied. Individually, and as teams, we constantly look at what we do, and ask, “How can we do this better?” Then, we use a systematic approach to take action. Equally as important is personal growth; we want each employee to grow personally in their position and keep current with latest manufacturing practices and/or technologies.”
Phillip Miller
To me it means constantly trying to learn new things and new skills, as well as always progressing on the skills I already have.
Kyle Kancewick
Growth takes many shapes and forms, but in our experience the overall effect of growth is always positive. When you’re in a thousand year old industry that is entering its 3rd revolution, you can’t advance without embracing an attitude of growth. That’s why as Prismierians, “Grow On” will always be one of our core values.